Research Tips for Nailing Your Job Interview

by DIVERSANT on December 13, 2021

Research Tips for Nailing Your Job Interview

Preparation for your job interview is critical for success, and one of the best ways to prepare for an interview is extensive research of the company and its people. We share our top tips to research a firm successfully and feel confident on your interview day.

Company insight

Thoroughly research the company and the position. Start by reviewing the company website. Try to find the mission and vision listed on the site and note what excites you about the company’s vision and bring it up at your interview. You can also check out the current openings on the site to get a better idea of what the company is focusing on in terms of internal growth.

Current news on the company and its related industry is another great way to prepare for an interview. A quick Google search of the company can lead you to any current events related to the firm. Reference your results in your job interview and use the results to brainstorm thoughtful questions. 

When searching for industry-related news, seek trends and predictions, leading to great conversations in your interview. Current news can also give you a better idea of how the company is performing financially.

Social media check

Visit all social media pages that the company maintains, as you can find even more telling information about the firm. You can better understand what is essential to the company through their social media and get an idea of the culture before the interview.

Typically, you can find what sites they use by referring to their website’s homepage. There you will find a list of icons related to the social media platforms they utilize.

Dig deeper

LinkedIn is an excellent tool for interview preparation. Take time to research the interviewer, their team, and the leaders of the company on LinkedIn. Doing this research will give you insight into the individuals, their career development, and any commonalities. 

Glassdoor is a decent referencing tool and can help create questions for your interview. Some reviews can be significantly biased, both good and bad, so getting an overall consensus from all reviews is essential rather than pinpointing one review.

Research and understand the company’s competition. You can identify competitors by searching the industry itself on Google, or searching for specific products will also help zero in on who the direct competitors are for the company. Competitor information can come in handy when interviewing as it shows credibility and interest in the company. 

DIVERSANT can help

Researching a company will grant you an insider’s point of view and help you interview with confidence. At DIVERSANT, we have thoroughly researched our clients and their open positions. Our recruiters can help you prepare and land that next interview! 

Contact us today.

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