Do I Accept A Counteroffer?

by DIVERSANT on March 21, 2022

Do I Accept A Counteroffer?

As we experience a tight labor market, we can expect to see more counteroffers being made in an effort to retain employees. But should employees accept the offer? There are many pieces to a counteroffer that should be considered before deciding how to proceed. We dig into these considerations and how to determine the right move.


Typically we start looking for a new job because we lack certain aspects that make us whole in our current jobs. When your employer counters your offer, reflect on what made you start looking for a new job in the first place. Has the counteroffer solved your problem? Do you expect change where it is needed? Was it more money that you were looking for, or a promotion? Perhaps you wanted better healthcare? Or more PTO? The ability to work from home? Think about how things will change for you if you accept the counteroffer and if it’s enough to stay.

Possible Repercussions

If you decide to stay, you might find there are hard feelings from your employer. There is a chance that they will start looking for your replacement since they might feel your loyalty is waning. Your team might also feel that you are no longer reliable since you were on the brink of leaving. Attitudes towards you may change, as unfair as it might seem.


Accepting a counteroffer may sever the relationships you built with the new company. Upfront communication will be important to avoid damaging your relationship with the hiring manager and your would-be team. It’s important to remember that people move on to other companies and positions and might remember you unfavorably, therefore possibly impacting your ability to get hired elsewhere.


Ultimately, you must do what is best for you. Only you know how accepting a counteroffer will affect your situation. Departing a team and company can be overwhelming and emotional, so it is important to put emotions aside and focus on facts to help you come to a decision. Creating a pro and con list for each offer, company, and team can be a good start to determine how to move forward.

Recruiter Assistance

Working with a recruiter can help you through the process of a counteroffer. A good recruiter will help you hash out what move is best for you in the long run. Recruiters will also assist with declining or accepting a counteroffer while maintaining a professional business relationship with everyone involved. 


DIVERSANT, an ACS Company, is one of the fastest-growing IT staffing firms in the U.S. Our dedicated team of recruiters can assist you with your job search, the interview process, and resignation. Contact us today to learn more. 

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