8 Ways to Increase Employee Retention

by DIVERSANT on January 3, 2022

8 Ways to Increase Employee Retention

High employee retention is every company’s goal as it saves money, builds a solid culture, and above all, keeps up productivity. Keeping turnover low can be difficult, especially now as we experience the “great resignation,” so, to help keep your staff happy and committed, check out the below retention tips.


Retention starts the moment employees are hired, so having a smooth and successful onboarding strategy is essential to retain employees. Ensuring that employees know the plan of action on their first day will help ensure they start with purpose. Work to immerse your employees in the company culture throughout the onboarding process. Onboarding includes training, team lunches, and team building, which help make them feel accepted and comfortable immediately.


Consistent recognition goes far in retention building. According to a Glassdoor survey, 53% of employees admit they would stay longer at their company if they felt more appreciation from their boss. That’s a significant number. Recognition doesn’t have to be monetary, as it can be a simple pat on the back. Let employees know that their hard work has not gone unnoticed, and your retention will improve.


Checking in with employees consistently can help with retention. Employees may feel inundated with work and hitting goals leaving them feeling overwhelmed, which can lead to turnover. Checking in will help identify any issues and allow you to offer support where needed.


Compensation is tied to retention; therefore staying competitive with compensation plans and benefits will help avoid turnover. If you are unsure if your pay is competitive, you can research roles on Glassdoor.com for further investigation.


Engagement from leaders can create a sense of assurance to their employees. When leaders are engaged with their teams, they create a sense of commitment to the company leading to more buy-in from employees—the more buy-in from employees, the lower the turnover rate.


Work-related stress can significantly reduce retention, as aMonster survey revealed. In fact, 42% of workers surveyed had left their company due to work-related stress. How can employers help reduce stress? One option is allowing employees to take “mental health days” to recoup and recharge. Acknowledging that work stress is real will also help employees see that their employer cares and actively supports them.  


Employers need to understand the difference between perks and culture to maintain retention. Offering snacks, games, and the like are fun, however, they don’t define its culture. Confusing the two could be detrimental to retention. Culture includes empowerment, trust, and consistency throughout the organization. 


Recruiting talent that buys into the company, the culture, and its people is the best way to keep retention high. At DIVERSANT, we partner with our clients to understand their hiring needs and work diligently and swiftly to hire the best fit for their company. We share our market knowledge with our clients to remain competitive to help keep turnover low. Contact us today to learn more.

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