Great Leaders and Their Traits

by DIVERSANT on February 28, 2022

Great Leaders and Their Traits

Leaders can make or break a company and a team. Great leaders will inspire those around them and help retention, sales, and revenue, whereas bad leaders can increase turnover and negatively affect sales. Leaders will also impact an organization’s culture, for better or worse, so it is vital to ensure your organization’s leaders are a positive influence. So what makes a great leader? We’ve broken down the traits of what it takes to be an influential, positive leader.


Great leaders will be transparent in their goals, demands, and actions. These leaders will be forthright with information because it will help their teams understand why changes are being made or why specific goals must be reached.


The ability to put yourself in someone else’s “shoes” makes an excellent leadership quality. People want a boss who understands their specific needs and realizes no two people are alike. Empathetic leaders make their team members feel valued as their needs are being met.


Involving the team in important decisions or meetings will help the team truly feel a part of the company. Employees can feel isolated or underappreciated if they directly contribute to the team but are never included in important meetings or decisions.


Sticking to your word is paramount for staying integral. Teams notice when leaders follow the mantra “do what I say, not what I do,” which can leave employees unhappy. Working hard to keep promises will maintain trust and loyalty.


The ability to be clear with directives and initiatives is vital in keeping employees happy. Clarity ensures minimal confusion, reducing the stress of not knowing or understanding the path towards progression. 


Listening, much like empathy, is vital for employees to feel seen and, of course, heard. Sharp listening skills will promote trust and loyalty from employees. When employees feel listened to, they will be more engaged with their work and results.


A leader who is enthusiastic about the future of the company and the path to achieving goals can be contagious. Great leaders will express enthusiasm as it keeps employees bought into the process and promotes positivity.


Being authentic and genuine to one’s self makes for a great leader. Being authentic allows for more trust from team members because they can be their authentic selves too.


Staying humble will also continue to build confidence within an organization. Admitting mistakes, sharing credit, and entirely giving credit where it’s due are all a part of humility.


Great leaders must make decisions, and sometimes making decisions are hard. Making quick yet rational decisions will help gain the team’s confidence. Decision-making is one of the most significant responsibilities of a leader, so it is paramount that they can do so effectively and fairly. 


Whether you are looking for the next leader in your organization or if you are ready to take on your first leadership role, DIVERSANT can help. DIVERSANT, an ACS Company, is one of the fastest-growing IT staffing firms in the nation. Our talented teams can assist in discovering your next leader or identifying your next leadership role. Contact us today.

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