5 Tips to Hit Your Goal

by DIVERSANT on March 7, 2022

5 Tips to Hit Your Goal

At the start of each new year, many people set out to create their new year’s resolution, but perhaps instead, they should focus on goals. A resolution for the new year often sees failure as approximately 80% of people who set one fail. That’s why goals should take the place of overly ambitious resolutions. Goals that are well thought out, planned, and attainable can help boost self-confidence. We share our insight on creating, executing, and achieving your goals throughout the year.

What Is Your Why

Understanding why you want to achieve goals is essential to creating your goals. Instead of framing your goals as “I want to be a senior-level java developer,” figure out why you want to be in that position. Understanding the “why” behind your goal will help you parse out how to achieve what you set out to do. For instance, if you want to be a senior-level java developer, ask yourself, is it for the money? Perhaps for the added responsibility? Is it to help you get to the next level in your career? Asking questions about your goal will help you map out a plan for achieving it.

Map It Out

Having a goal is nothing but a dream without a plan of action. Determining how you will accomplish your goals will help ensure you will achieve them. Create a step-by-step plan and check off each step as you complete it. Remember that some steps may take longer than others, and some might be harder than others; try not to let these things deter you or dampen your spirits. When mapping out your plan, be sure to include timeframes for when you feel you should complete each step. This action will help keep you in line for the endgame. Adjust your timeline or even your goal as needed. You might consider creating your goal and working backward to help outline a plan of action.

Make It Attainable

Unrealistic goals are crushing. When you set your goal, ensure that you can attain it within your timeframe. Realistic goals will inspire you and should be something that you are passionate about. Take the time to self-reflect and have an honest conversation about your ability to achieve your goal and if you are willing to put in the effort to reach it.

Allow and Accept Setbacks

Setbacks happen, but they don’t have to be detrimental. Give yourself grace when you are knocked off the path towards hitting your goal. Figure out what deterred you, how to resolve it, and reassess. 

Celebrate Success

You can and should celebrate successes along the way towards reaching your goal. The end game will, of course, require the biggest celebration but don’t undermine the completed steps along the way. Without recognizing your achievements, no matter how small, you can get overwhelmed by how much further you have left before reaching your final goal. Share what you’ve accomplished with a colleague or loved one, and be sure to pat yourself on the back for putting in the effort to achieve success. You can also create a checklist to check off each completed step and visualize your accomplishments.


Do you have a goal of finding a better job? Perhaps you want to work remotely, or you’re ready for that next step in your career. Whatever the case may be, DIVERSANT can help. DIVERSANT, an ACS Company, is one of the fastest-growing IT staffing firms in the U.S. Our highly skilled recruiters can assist you in your job search and help you achieve your goal for the year. Contact us today.

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