10 Tips for Acing a Job Interview

by DIVERSANT on November 18, 2021

10 Tips for Acing a Job Interview

So you’ve landed an interview and want to make sure you ace it? We’ve got you! Over the course of his career, David Buck, Technical Recruiter with DIVERSANT, has compiled this list of the best tips from colleagues, industry experts, and IT professionals and wants to share them with you to help you ace your interview and land the job.

1. Be Confident

You have nothing to lose – only something to gain! Remember that they need you as much you need them, so be confident, but balance this with humility.

2. Have Thoughtful Questions Prepared

The most overlooked way to set yourself apart from others is with really insightful questions. Feel free to ask them anywhere in the interview that fits! Think of an interview as a conversation.

3. Create a T Chart

On the left side, have the requirements of the job, and on the right side, list your accomplishments. This will be great to help you prepare for all types of interviews. And for phone and web interviews, you can keep this list right in front of you for easy reference. 

4. Brevity is Best

Keep your answers short all throughout your interview! Yep, nail each question succinctly, as this allows for more questions to be asked, generating more interest from your answers. 

5. Confirm Your Response

Here’s a magic trick – after you answer a question, follow up with this: “Would you like me to elaborate?” Or say it in your own way: “Is there anything I can clarify for you?” or “Any questions on that?” This will allow them to either confirm you have answered adequately and move on or allows them to ask a follow up question. 

6. Clarify Daily Duties

Keep in mind tip #1! Don’t be afraid to ask upfront, “What does a typical day look like in this job?” What they share will help you craft your responses later in the interview.

7. Discover Their Ideal Candidate

Another question you can ask upfront is: “What are you really looking for in this person?” or “What do you think this job demands?” Again, you will be surprised what they will tell you and you can use this information throughout your interview. 

8. Uncover and Address Objections

Now this question is not easy, as it may seem as though you are bringing up something negative, however, all you are doing is uncovering what could be an objection to them hiring you. Near the end of your interview, try this: “Do you have any concerns with my qualifications for me doing this job?” If they share a concern and you address it, then you have just removed a potential barrier from an offer. 

9. Remember S-A-R

For behavioral questions, use the following formula to help you answer. 

Situation: succinctly describe the situation. 

Action: describe the action you took.

Result: describe the beneficial end result. 

10. Close Strong

Summarize what the interviewer is looking for in this position. For instance, “From what you have said, it looks as though you are looking for these three things…” then go ahead and list them. Feel free to close with, “I believe you are describing me.” Speak from the heart here! And lastly, tell the interviewer that you would like to be on the team. That’s right, actually, ask for the job! 

This list includes very powerful tips, any one of which could dramatically tip your interview in your favor. Choose any combination of tips that feels right to you, and you will ace that interview! 

DIVERSANT Recruiters

Looking for help to land your next interview? DIVERSANT is the largest minority-owned IT staffing firm in the US. Our recruiters are tenured, knowledgeable, and ready to help you in your next IT career move. Contact us today to connect with one of our many talented recruiters.

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