Achieving A Greater Work-Life Balance

by DIVERSANT on November 22, 2021

Achieving A Greater Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance has become a topic of greater interest and studies. As the generations progress through the workplace, we have shifted our focus on mental health and decreasing work-related stress. Creating a work-life balance for remote workers is especially important as we transition into a new era of the workplace. Studies have shown an increase in burnout due to more hours being worked. We share a few suggestions for creating and maintaining a healthy, productive, work-life balance.

Dedicate the space

Having your own designated space for work is key to achieving a work-life balance. This space should be reserved for work only and should be able to accommodate all of your working needs. Try to avoid common areas in your home as you might not be able to avoid the area after work hours therefore you may feel as though you never left work.


Choose your work devices and dedicate them to work only. Try to avoid using any work devices before or after work as it can put you back in the mental space of working. 


Creating a work schedule and sticking to it will help keep you on track for a well-adjusted work-life balance. Ensure you are starting and stopping at the same time every day. Just like office work, there will be times that your schedule will need to adjust for the day but don’t allow it to become the norm. 


Including breaks into your schedule is as vital as having a schedule. Make time to walk away from your workspace for at least five minutes a few times a day. Take a walk, stretch, or take a power nap. Do what helps you clear your mind from work and stress so that you might start again with a fresh state of mind.


Use your time off. Put on your ‘out of office’ and walk away from work for the entire paid time off. Vacations boost our morale, make us happy, and most certainly attribute to a positive work-life balance. 

Mental health days

Aside from vacation days, be sure to take a mental health day. You don’t have to go anywhere to enjoy a mental break from work. Again, be sure to truly leave work behind for the entirety of the day to make it count.


Share your schedule and anything that may impact your schedule with your leader and team. You might find that starting earlier than normal and quitting sooner than usual can lead to a greater work-life balance because it suits your home life schedule best.

Finding Your match

If creating a manageable and satisfying work-life balance is not possible at your current job, then you might be better served to find a place that will value your mental health. DIVERSANT has solid and long-lasting relationships with our clients and can help you identify a better employer match. Contact one of our many talented and tenured IT recruiters today.

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