Women and Their Impact on the Tech Industry

by DIVERSANT on March 8, 2022

Women and Their Impact on the Tech Industry

March is here, and with it starts the celebration of Womens History Month. Women, much like their counterparts, are determined, innovative, and powerful. But what sets women apart are the challenges they have had to overcome. Its no secret that women have historically worked harder to be seen and heard, and thankfully that gap is narrowing, but there is much work to be done. Today, we want to take a moment to pay tribute to a few historical women in tech. These women helped pave the way, not only to those who follow them, but to the world through their groundbreaking contributions and achievements, those of which are still utilized in todays robust tech industry. 

Katherine Johnson

Katherine made her mark in technology while working at NASA. Not only was she one of the first females to work at NASA, but her math skills were more trusted than that of a computer. Before a mission orbiting earth, one of the lead astronauts requested that Katherine review and confirm the data before taking off. Katherine continued to make her mark at NASA until she retired. 

Discover more about Katherine here.

Ada Lovelace

It may surprise you that not only was the first computer programmer a woman, but that she was given this title in the 1800s. Ada’s innovative ideas and inquisitive mind were beyond many during her time, for men and women. Her achievements were so impressive that an award was created in her honor. The Ada Lovelace Award is granted to innovative women in tech annually.  

Learn more here.

Grace Hopper

Ever wonder where the term computer bug” was coined? Grace Hopper first used this term when an actual bug caused problems in her computer. She removed the bug, thus coining the phrase debugging.” Ms. Hopper left a legacy behind with many accomplishments under her belt. Not only was she the author of the first computer programming manual, but she also helped build Harvard’s Mark II and Mark III computers, as well as help build the first computer language compiler.  

Learn more here. 

Elizabeth Feinler

The domain names such as .com, .edu, .gov, .mil, .org, and .net largely exist due to Elizabeth Feinler, but that wasn’t even her most significant contribution to the tech world. Elizabeth is credited for creating the first search engine and helping develop an early model of today’s email systems. Elizabeth’s mark on tech doesn’t stop there. Learn more about her achievements here.  

Heddy Lamarr

Heddy Lamarr was a remarkable woman. Although her role in the tech space was short-lived, tech was forever changed because of her ingenious mind. Heddy is dubbed the mother of Wifi” as her patented concept for a communications system was later used in the creation of wifi. Unfortunately, Heddy wasn’t given many opportunities in tech throughout her life, but her contribution certainly made a huge impact. 

Learn more about Heddy here.


DIVERSANT, an ACS Company, is the one of the fastest-growing US IT Staffing firms. We work hard to break barriers and help others find their place in the world. Contact us today to find out how we can help you find success in the tech industry.  

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